Everyone who owns a blog, who reads a blog, who gets information for the web, or just likes to watch crazy videos on YouTube should be aware of what our government is trying to pass with both SOPA and PIPA. If either of these bills are passed the internet as we know it would be over. Freedom of expression would be suppressed. Freedom of speech would be diminished. These bills would be detrimental to the development of new technologies or hey even the next Facebook (maybe even the current Facebook, who knows?)
Take a moment to view the video below to learn more about SOPA and PIPA.
PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.
We are joining other sites like Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, and many, many others (like Twitarded and Twilight Lexicon as well) and making this blog dark from 8am to 8pm on Wednesday 1-18 to raise awareness. If you haven't already please take a few minutes to fill out the form and let your Congressmen know that you oppose these bills. A few minutes of your time can help keep the internet free. Don't want to call? Go to http://americancensorship.org/ and use their contact form to send a letter instead. Wikipedia, as part of their blackout, will give you the contact information (Phone #, Twitter handle, contact form, etc) for your Representatives and Senators.