Saturday, January 8, 2011

Review: Populazzi

PopulazziPopulazzi by Elise Allen

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading this book. This is the story of Cara, a new student at a new school, who is convinced by her best friend Claudia to climb the ladder of the Populazzi at her new school and become the Supreme Populazzi. What I liked most about this book was that the characters were very well fleshed out. Each group and rung of the ladder was very close to how high school society really is. There's always those few who don't care and you know it. Then there's the groups that band together over a common activity, ie band geeks, computer nerds. And there's always the popular group, made up of beautiful girls every girl wants to look like and the handsome boys everyone wants. The struggles that go on are real life struggles and I loved how the author showed that sometimes what we think and what really happens are two different things. The only thing I didn't like is the way Cara's parents were portrayed. I don't know anyone like these people and I think that it was a little overdone with everything else that was going on. Another downside was that the story was pretty predictable, especially to anyone who has seen the movie Mean Girls. Personally I kept flashing to scenes of the movie and how alike they were while still be completely different. Overall I really enjoyed this book and read it in one sitting because I became so engrossed in Cara's struggles.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the review, AJ! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the book!


