Friday, February 25, 2011

Review: Queens of All the Earth

Queens of All the EarthQueens of All the Earth by Hannah Sternberg

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Although it was a relatively short book this story seemed to drag on and on. There was a lot of gorgeous description of Spain but not enough meaningful dialogue between the characters. The story also jumped around too much between points of view and it wasn't always clear whose it was. There wasn't a big revelation, maybe a small one, and it didn't really seem like the conflict had been resolved. There was a little romance, and while that was cute it was very abrupt. And then the book ends. There's no true ending just a few paragraphs saying they went home and so and so did that or so and so did this, the end. I was left feeling like I had truly wasted my time and effort trying to read this.

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