Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Spend a Day Off

Ok so this is my very first post. First I will start on how I even got thinking about doing a blog.

You see it all started about 9 months ago when my Mom (yes my mom) got me to read Twilight. It was just before Breaking Dawn came out and I was reluctant to read a YA novel series, no matter that some friends were trying to get me to read it. Sorry guys, but I don't always trust your judgment on good books. I DO trust my mother though, so when she said "read it" that's just what I did. So the obsession started. I had to find a new one because my Harry Potter obsession was almost done, no books only movies left to look forward to. Of course now my Twilight obsession is the same way, but I digress. After reading the Twilight Saga I was hooked. I couldn't wait to get more information about what was going on in the TwiUniverse. I started stalking internet sites like the Twilight Lexicon (I do love you guys!) and blogs like TwiCrack Addict. The more I read the more I thought...I should so do a blog!

So it is months and months later and I have started my blog. About what? Whatever I want to talk about. I know I skipped a lot of information here but mostly the blog idea was rolling around for a long time, I like writing, and today I was finally bored enough to make myself do it. No I still didn't do the dishes (keep waiting for the elf to do them) but I did start my blog. So what can I talk about to interest you? Any thoughts, suggestions? Leave a comment and I'll try to post something on that subject.

Read on~

1 comment:

  1. Your mother will love to read your every blog, so don't say anything you don't want me to know! :)
