Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So today was the worst Monday I have had in a while. I woke up this morning with the worst kidney pain (okay not the worst because I have had plenty of kidney stones before) and thought I had a kidney stone again. Quick back story- I have kidney stones, lots of stones just sitting in my kidney waiting for their time to strike. So right now the pain is gone but still not sure it it's just the stones I have playing games with me or if I am actually going to have an "attack" as I like to call it. The worst part, other than the horrible pain, is that they make me so nauseous. So all through work today, I work in an at&t call center, I thought I was going to have to put somebody on hold and go be sick. I was only able to eat a grilled cheese sandwich at lunch and the worst part is that stupid sandwich cost me $2!!!!! What a piece of crap! Anyways, the pain finally went away, I got through work without being sick, was finally able to eat something more, and am now pretty much ready to go to bed to forget this day. Today's Rating F

On the bright side I finished a book I was reading. Wicked-Witch & Curse. It was actually really good and pretty dark for being a YA novel. Lots of dark, evil magic with a bit of high school romance and lots of death. Not to gory (thank god) cause I don't handle gory. So I was excited about getting the next book in the series. Which I did right after work by going to faithful Wal-Mart. While I was there I also picked up some laundry detergent being the responsible adult I try to be- at least now the roommate can do laundry since I used the last of the soap on mine yesterday. I digress....can't wait to see how this story progresses. Book Rating A-

When I finally got home from Wal-Mart I decided to go ahead a watch a movie that the roommate had picked up from the local library. Over My Dead Body- gotta say I love Paul Rudd! This movie was surprisingly funny and sweet. It had a good cast and wasn't too overly romantic. Must rate it a B+.

Today's Rating Total C+

***BTW Ratings are not based on any mathematical equation just rough estimates of what I think the combined total rating would be.

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